Name and registered office

The association bears the name: Federashon .Tènis di Mesa Kòrsou;
It has its seat in Curaçao;
The association is indicated by FTMK;.
In international traffic, they can also use the name Curacao Table Tennis Federation;

Commencement, duration and calendar

The FTMK was founded as Curaçaosche Table Tennis Association on July 24, 1956 for an indefinite period.
The association year coincides with the calendar year and therefore runs from 1 January to 31 December.


The FTMK aims to promote the practice of table tennis sport in all its forms, which are part of the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF), and more generally to do all that can lead to goal or may be its beneficial, all this in the broadest sense.

Powers, duties and responsibilities

The FTMK is the national umbrella body for the table tennis sport in Curaçao.
The FTMK is affiliated with the National Olympic and Sports Body of Curaçao: Federashon di Deporte i Olimpiko di Kòrsou (FDOK).
respects the rules of the Olympic Charter, the Anti-Doping Code and the rules and the decisions of the ITTF;
undertakes activities to promote peace;
endorses the standards and values in sport and ensure, partly on the basis of the principles of tolerance and fair play in the fight against violence, intimidation and discrimination in any form;
contributes to the fight against doping in sport and in an environmentally conscious use by athletes;

Is committed to an increased participation of women in sport and recognizes the ITTF as the only global organization responsible for the table tennis sport;
The statutes of FTMK will at all times comply with the ITTF. If in doubt regarding the interpretation of these statutes or commissions or disagreements between the association and the ITTF rules, the provisions of the ITTF will prevail.

Achieving the goal

The FTMK seeks to achieve its goal in a legal manner through:
holding competitions for the Curaçao Championships; keeping other competitions and promoting the participation in international competitions;
providing support and information to those who practice the sport table tennis;
publishing writings and engage in propagandizing the sport of table tennis;
doing study in technical and other issues relating to the table tennis sport;
stimulating the entry of as many table tennis clubs into the FTMK;
establishing the regulations for the competitions;
organizing courses related to management training and increasing the level of both technical, competition and governance framework;
working with private and / or public bodies, to promote the participation of women in table tennis sport;
supporting and encouraging sports ethics and the fight against any use of doping in sport;
re insuring its absolute autonomy and resist all pressures, be it political, religious or of economic nature;